Mason Web Analytics

GTM Example: Tracking Clicks on Links Within the Core Website’s Audience Menu

Background In order to determine how much use the “Audience Menu” on the homepage of the Mason core website receives, we wanted to specifically track […]

Renaming Pages Using Advanced Filters (Google Analytics)

Background Hobsons Radius (Radius) is the CRM used by the Office of Graduate Admissions to implement the graduate online application and the “Request Information” (inquiry) […]

Measuring Site Speed with Google Analytics

Google Analytics Site Speed Metrics Average Domain Lookup Time Average Server Response Time Average Server Connection Time Average Redirection Time Average Page Download Time Average […]

Microsoft Excel: AnalyticsEdge Add-In

Name: Analytics Edge Add-ins for Microsoft Excel Website: The Analytics Edge Plug-In for Microsoft Excel allows you to easily pull data in to an […]

Excel: Custom VBA Function to Return Quarter from Date

Function fnQuarterFromWeek(varDate) ‘Declare variables Dim varMonth ‘Get month from date varMonth = Month(varDate) ‘Set quarter based on month If varMonth < 3 Then varQuarter = […]

Custom Report: URL Queries (non-404, non-search)

Data-driven content often has a lot of variation in the URLs because of the changing query parameters. As a result, the importance of this traffic […]

Mason-Related Custom Traffic Segments (Google Analytics)

Below are some Google Analytics custom segments that are specifically relevant to George Mason University. Click any of the links below to import the custom […]

Google Analytics: Custom Reports: Events

With built-in reports you can only segment by a maximum of two dimensions at a time. That means that once you filter for a specific […]

GTM: How to Determine if a Clicked Link is an Internal or Outbound Link

When setting-up trigger firing criteria: Option 1: is the given domain name in the click URL? Click URL -> contains -> Option 2: is […]

How To: Implement GTM in Drupal

GTM Drupal Module How to configure the module to only track non-logged-in users.