Since this only makes sense when dealing with a roll-up property (an analytics property containing more than one website), we will be using the Mason Google Analytics Roll-Up property.
Account: Mason Analytics Roll-Up
Property: Rollup Property
View: gmu: roll-Up 2.0 all traffic
The examples below use the School of Business.
Sessions Starting on Business and Ending on Business
Example segment: Roll-Up: Sessions: Landing Page: Business; Exit Page: Business
What it includes: This segment will include sessions which start on Business and end on Business. This segment will also include any pageviews of other pages outside of Business.
Why it is useful: This can help you figure out what specific pages people are using which are not on your website.
Example: Behavior -> Site Content -> All Pages -> Apply Segment -> Filter: [Exclude \ Page \ Begins with \ “”]
Sessions Starting on Business and Ending on Another Website
Example segment: Roll-Up: Sessons: Landing Page: Business; Exit Page: NOT Business
What it includes: This segment will only include visits which began on the Business website and for which the last hit was not on the Business website. If someone started on Business, went elsewhere, and then came back to Business to end the session, they would not be included in this segment.
Why it is useful: This can help you figure out where people are ultimately ending up after leaving your website (in the event they don’t return to your website in that visit).
Example: Behavior -> Site Content -> Landing Pages -> Apply Segment -> Add Secondary Dimension: “Exit Page”
Sessions Starting on Any Website and Ending on Business
Example segment: Roll-Up: Sessions: Landing Page: NOT Business; Exit Page: Business
What it includes: This segment will only include visits which did not begin on the Business website and for which the final hit of the visit was on the Business website. If the user visited the Business website during the session, but did not end on the Business website, they would not be included here.
Why it is useful: This can help you figure out what page people are landing on when they first arrive at a Mason website, before ultimately coming to your website.
Example: Behavior -> Site Content -> Landing Pages -> Apply Segment -> No Secondary Dimension
Sessions Including at Least One Pageview from Your Website
Example segment: Roll-Up: Sessions: Page: Business
What it includes: This segment will include any sessions which had at least one pageview on the Business website, regardless of where the session started and ended.
Why it is useful: This will allow you to see what pages people are landing on for sessions which include a pageview of a page on your website. It will also allow you to see what other pages people are viewing during sessions in which they also view your website.
Example: Behavior -> Site Content -> Landing Pages -> Apply Segment -> (Optional: Filter: [Exclude \ Page \ Begins with \ “”])
Example: Behavior -> Site Content -> All Pages -> Apply Segment -> (Optional: Filter: [Exclude \ Page \ Begins with \ “”])