Mason Web Analytics

Mason ‘Theme’ Pages Usage Activity


The Mason ‘theme’ pages consist of the pages on the Core website which have page paths beginning with one of the following: “redefining-excellence”, “inclusive-and-accessible”, “focused-your-future”, “located-for-opportunity”, “pioneering-research”, “driven-serve”. These pages are prominently linked-to from the Mason homepage slide rotator.


How many people are viewing the Mason ‘theme’ pages?


  • Over the first 3 months of 2017, only 1.65% or users viewed one or more of our theme pages.
  • The amount of traffic (click-throughs) these pages receive is not necessarily an indicator of the value of the impression that the hompage slide rotator may have on the user.

Report Specifications

Account: Mason Office of Communications and Marketing 01
View: [PROD] Default 1.0 (2017-06-25)
Date Range: 2017-01-01 – 2017-03-31 (3 months)
Filter: ^\/(redefining-excellence|inclusive-and-accessible|focused-your-future|located-for-opportunity|pioneering-research|driven-serve)


1) What percent of pageviews on the Core website are for one of these pages?
Report: Behavior -> Site Content -> All Pages – filter as specified above
Total pageviews: 3,077,094
Total rotator-linked pages pageviews: 15,699

* Views of these pages account for 0.51% of all pageviews

2) What percent of sessions on the Core website view one of these pages?
Report (custom): Theme Pages Daily Overview
Total sessions: 1,311,260
Sessions including a view of theme pages: 1,955

* Sessions including a view of a theme pages account for 0.15% of all sessions

3) What percent of users of the Core website visit one of these pages?
Report (custom): Theme Pages Daily Overview
Total users: 597,960
Users having sessions which include a view of theme pages: 9,841

* Users having sessions which include a view of theme pages account for 1.65% of all users