Mason Web Analytics


Meeting Information

Date: 2/24/2016
Time: 2pm
Location: Enterprise 420a


1) Introductions

2) Review of Google Analytics Roll-Up Profile Status - Jan Macario

  • The Roll-Up 2.0 Views are still considered in ‘beta’ until we feel that we have a reasonably-complete set of data. These views have been collecting (a subset of) data since Dec 8, 2015.
  • We now have all but one college contributing to the roll-up! Volgenau implementation pending.
  • Custom Dimension1: Business Unit
  • The hostname database includes all hostnames so far appearing in the Google Analytics Roll-Up 2.0 views since the start of the new views, as well as any hostnames provided to us by the units.

    View the hostname database:

    Miscellaneous hostnames: development sites, googleweblight, translation services, etc.

    Identifying new hostnames: notify us when a new hostname is added, or rely on us to notice when we do updates to the database.

    Action: please review current list of indexed hostnames and provide any changes.

    Question: (CEHD or CHSS? Currently being tagged as CHSS.)

  • Custom Dimension 2: Unused
  • This custom dimension has not been implemented yet. It is currently named ‘Business Unit Subgroup’. The intention was to provide a further sub-categorization of business units. The name and purpose can be changed.

3) Using Custom Dimensions to Categorize Webpages: Terri Ann Guingab

4) Dashboards and Custom Reports: Nicole Hitpas

5) Piwick Analytics – Andrew Stevens

6) Anything Else?/Suggestions for Next Month