Mason Web Analytics New Site Launch Analysis


The old website used to have separate sections for all CHHS programs.
The new website relates just for the college, and separate sites were created for all CHHS programs.

What were the effects of the redesign?


Account: Mason College of Health and Human Services
Property: _CHHS Roll-Up
View: OLD – [PROD] – default 1.0 (2009-04-23 – 2018-02-27)
Report: Audience -> Overview
Date Range: Feb 7, 2017 (one year before new site launch) – Oct 30, 2018
Plot scale: Week

Note drop in sessions around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Segment: “All Users”, “Visits to CHHS website” (Sessions with view of pages)

Notice drop in sessions on website upon new site launch: Feb 7, 2018
Notice that the overall sessions remained remarkably stable.

Remove “All Users” segment.

Graph: Bounce Rate
Plot Scale: Week

Note that the bounce rate has declined following the redesign. Good!

Graph: Pages/Session
Plot Scale: Month

Note that the pages/session has declined slightly following the redesign. This is probably due to both users more easily finding info that they need on the new site, as well as repeat visits going directly to the relevant program sites.

Graph: Average Session Duration

Note that the average session duration has declined notably following the redesign. This is probably due to the same reason listed above.