Mason Web Analytics

Analytics Update – June 2017

New Websites in Roll-Up

Lots of University Life sites added to roll-up.
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Google Tag Manager

I have created a template container for use on Mason websites, which tracks pageviews, as well as email, download, and outbound link events to a primary GA property and up to two roll-up properties.

The Google Tag Manager code has been implemented on the core site, the Graduate Admissions CRM (Hobsons Radius), and a handful of other sites. More coming soon…

Cross-Domain Tracking

Cross-Domain Tracking has been implemented on the Mason Google Analytics Roll-Up property, to allow tracking across and

Graduate Admissions CRM (Hobsons Radius)

GTM has been included on the central “request information” form and the fall 2017 graduate application.
We are now tracking form completions for the central graduate request information form.
Next up is adding tracking to the online application.

Undergraduate Admissions CRM (TargetX CRM)

I am working with the admissions staff to include our GTM code in our TargetX implementation to provide analytics on the undergrad CRM.


Because we have been able to implement cross-domain tracking between the core website and the Graduate Admissions CRM, we were able to implement goal tracking for submissions of the central graduate “request information” form.

Web Analytics Workshop

The Digital Communications Team has recently begun presenting our Web Analytics and Social Media workshop, which will be held on an ongoing basis.
More info is available on the Web Info Upcoming Training page.